King Named “Courageous Conservative” by Texas Conservative Coalition
November 14, 2011
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AUSTIN – This week, State Representative Phil King (R-Weatherford) was named as a recipient of the “Courageous Conservative” Award by the Texas Conservative Coalition (TCC). King received the third highest score out of all 150 members in the Texas House of Representatives.
“The 82nd Legislative Session was marked by many conservative achievements, and Representative King deserves special recognition for his role in helping win the debate on these issues,” TCC Executive Director John Colyandro stated, “The policy initiatives advanced by King and the other recipients will help keep Texas on a path toward growth and prosperity.”
To receive the “Courageous Conservative” award a member must have met or exceeded the mean score of the top two-thirds of all Representatives on the TCC scorecard, and must have signed the TCC “Pledge with Texans”. Based on 174 votes, the TCC scorecard for the 82nd Legislature is perhaps the most comprehensive snapshot of members’ voting records.
The Texas Conservative Coalition, the conservative caucus of the Texas Legislature, operates under four guiding principles: Limited Government, Individual Liberty, Free Enterprise, and Traditional Values.
To view the full “Courageous Conservative” scorecard, visit the following link: