Texans for Lawsuit Reform’s Political Action Committee endorses Rep. Phil King
March 3, 2008
Texans for Lawsuit Reform’s Political Action Committee endorses Rep. Phil King for re-election in HD 61 because of his commitment to a fair, honest and efficient civil justice system.
Rep. King’s support of lawsuit reform has helped to restore respect for the law in our State and has created hundreds of thousands of new jobs for our citizens, added hundreds of billions of dollars to the state’s economy, enhanced productivity and encouraged innovation. Texas is now more competitive in the global economy because we have gone from being the “lawsuit capital of the world” to one of the best civil justice systems in America.
Rep. King’s commitment to lawsuit reform has also greatly improved health care in Texas. Our State has added thousands of new doctors since passage of medical liability reform, especially in high risk specialties such as neurosurgery, orthopedics, obstetrics, and emergency room care. Hospitals have taken their liability savings and invested them in improved indigent care, new equipment, and upgraded facilities.
It takes courage to stand up to the powerful personal injury trial lawyers the way Rep. King has, and therefore he deserves the support of all of us who want a balanced and fair civil justice system.