Early Voting Starts Today
October 24, 2022
Dear Friends,
The polls are open! Early voting for the November 8th election has now begun and runs through Friday, November 4th.
You may have seen or heard of some polls that show Republicans with comfortable leads.
I urge you: ignore these polls. Democrats would love nothing more than to lull you into a sense of complacency to keep you at home.
The truth is, Democrats have been pouring money into Texas trying to turn our state blue and implement their leftwing agenda here, and they’ve showed us what that looks like. Under Biden’s regime we’ve seen runaway inflation, unprecedented gas and grocery costs, a porous open border, supply chain gridlock, and a weakened national economy.
It’s imperative that Republicans turn out and vote for every race all the way down the ballot. Let’s make our conservative voices heard!
For early voting locations and times please use the following links below.
Phil King
Senator-elect, Senate District 10
State Representative, House District 61
Early Voting Times & Locations