Archive for 2024

Merry Christmas from the King Family

December 24, 2024

On this Christmas Eve, I wanted to send a quick note to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.  Around this time of year, when able to spend time with our family, Terry and I are reminded how blessed we are.  Time with our kids and grandkids is treasured, especially when we see children and teenagers take in the miracle of Christmas.

I’ve often thought that God created the family structure to demonstrate his great love for us.   When surrounded by those we love we gain a better perspective of how much our heavenly father loves us.  At times like Christmas, we more fully understand the sacrifice he made in sending his Son to die for us – which is, after all, what we celebrate on Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas from Phil, Terry, our six kids – and eighteen grandkids!

My Recent Trip to Israel

December 21, 2024

I plan to hit the ground running when the legislative session begins next month and I’ll soon be updating you on our legislative agenda.   

In the meantime, I returned from Israel on Friday, December 6th. During my visit, I had the opportunity to receive excellent briefings on national security and policy. Our delegation, which consisted of eight legislators from Texas and adjoining states, attended at the invitation of the Israeli government.  

Our second day, we went to Kibbutz Nir Oz which is a small community near Gaza. On October 7, 2023, over 25% of Nir Oz’s residents, including women and very young children, were either killed or taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. Sexual assaults and many other acts of barbarism took place. We also visited the site of the Nova Music Festival and other locations along the Gaza border. Nearly 400 were massacred at the Nova festival alone. Other communities near the Gaza border suffered similar attacks.  

Nir Oz remains as it was the day after the attack. A former resident walked us through the village of burned and bullet ridden homes telling us the stories of family after family.  

One of the homes burned by terrorists at Kibbutz Nir Oz (A Kibbutz is a small community of Jewish citizens). 


 Some of the many victims at Nir Oz

At Nova we met with a young man who was present during the attack at the music festival. We heard what he and others witnessed and endured that terrible day, reinforcing the unspeakable evil of these terrorists. As he spoke, we were reminded of the ongoing reality of Israeli life as we heard outgoing artillery fire.
I had hoped we would be able to travel to the north but the situation remained too unstable near the border with Syria and Lebanon. Little did I know that regime change in Syria was unfolding. A day or so after my return, in the early morning hours of Sunday, December 8, Syria’s President Bashar Assad was forced to flee the country. He is reportedly now in Moscow. With the future of Syria uncertain, Israel’s defense forces moved to secure Mt. Hermon, ensuring that this critically strategic elevated position in the north doesn’t fall into the hands of rogue terrorists.
Though more than a year had passed since the brutal assault of October 7, 2023, it was clear that the nation cannot yet move on. Nor should they. There are still approximately 100 hostages who must be returned to their homeland and families. These innocents are held in horrible conditions, malnourished and with severely failing health. It is amazing any still survive.
Tourism, a staple of Israel’s economy, is still reeling from the aftermath of October 7 and the continuing war. Jerusalem and Tel Aviv reminded me of what Washington, DC was like when I went there a few weeks after 9/11 in that the bustling crowds were completely gone. The Ben Gurion Airport tarmac was almost empty. One shop owner said we were his first customer of the day. In fact, 2024 is expected to conclude with less than a quarter of the number who visited Israel in 2019.

Looking at the bigger picture, it is important to remember that the main cause of this war and the entire region’s instability is Iran. There is no question—Iran IS the financier and puppet master behind Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and others. The Iranian government’s financial and military capabilities MUST be destroyed or acts like October 7th will repeat and, in fact, increase. And never forget that Iran views the U.S. through the same lens as it views Israel. Iran must NEVER be allowed to control nuclear weapons and its ability to fund and sponsor international terror must end. 
Everywhere we went the resolve of Israel’s people was strong. They wish for nothing more than peace. Their very greeting, Shalom, means peace. As always, the Israeli people were warm and welcoming and incredibly thankful for America’s support.  


Phil King
State Senator, District 10

(L), Our delegation shown with an IDF officer who briefed us during our trip
(R), R
eceiving a briefing near the Gaza border

The First Thanksgiving Proclamation

November 27, 2024

We have so much to be thankful for, and I hope and pray the days ahead allow you to be with family and loved ones as you observe Thanksgiving Day.

Have you ever read the first Thanksgiving Day proclamation, issued by President George Washington in October of 1789? As you reflect on the meaning of tomorrow, I encourage you to read how our first president exhorted Americans to reflect on God Almighty and His many blessings. This proclamation is clear in affirming that George Washington understood the Divine Providence at work in our young nation. May we always remember the incredible blessing that we have to live, prosper and worship in the United States of America.

By the President of the United States of America—
A Proclamation
Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor—and Whereas both Houses of Congress have by their Joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.”
Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be—That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks—for his kind care and protection of the People of this country previous to their becoming a Nation—for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his providence, which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war—for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed—for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted, for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.
And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions—to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually—to render our national government a blessing to all the People, by constantly being a government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed–to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shown kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord—To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and Us—and generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.
Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
Go. Washington

Starting Monday: Why You Should Vote Early

October 19, 2024

Early voting for the November 5th election begins this Monday, October 21st, and runs through Friday, November 1st. Find your voting locations below.
I humbly ask for your vote to continue serving as your District 10 State Senator. There is so much at stake in this critical election: the Presidency, Senator Ted Cruz’s race, and other important races where Republicans need our support. We have suffered enough with runaway inflation, unprecedented gas and grocery costs, a porous open border, and a weakened America on the global stage. Now, we can make our voice heard at the ballot box.

Here are some important reasons why you should vote early:

  1. You never know what could happen on Election Day. You could have a family, medical, or business emergency over which you have no control that could impair your ability to vote on November 5th.
  2. Inclement weather could complicate your ability to get to the polls.
  3. Early voting saves campaigns valuable time and resources. Once you vote, you are removed from mailing lists within a few days, significantly reducing the chance that you will receive additional phone calls or mail pieces.
  4. Early voting allows campaigns and candidates to focus their time and effort on voters who haven’t yet turned out.
  5. Early voting means you can avoid potentially long lines on Election Day.
  6. After you vote early, you’re able to encourage others to do so.
  7. If you’re so inclined to volunteer in some capacity on Election Day, voting early allows you that flexibility to help at a poll or in some other way.

So mark your calendar for Monday, and let’s get to the polls! For early voting locations and times please use the following links below.

Brown County
Callahan County
Johnson County
Palo Pinto County
Parker County
Shackelford County
Stephens County
Tarrant County

Remembering the Victims of the October 7th Israeli Massacre

October 5, 2024

It’s hard to believe that it is almost one year from the October 7, 2023, brutal, unprovoked and cowardly terrorist attack on Israel. On Monday, Governor Greg Abbott has called for a moment of silence at 7:00 AM. It is important that we reflect and remember the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.

Last October 7th, approximately 3,000 Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel by land, air, and sea. Almost 1,200 civilians were slaughtered amid heinous atrocities, and over 200 hostages were seized.

The Texas response following the horrific attack was swift, strong and unwavering. Both chambers of the legislature passed unanimous resolutions, and I was honored to author the one passed by the Texas Senate. These resolutions – the first in the nation by a U.S. legislative body – expressed Texas’ solidarity with and support for the people of Israel, and underscored their absolute right to defend themselves against these brutal attacks. Texas has also been a national leader in taking actions to address the growing antisemitism on college campuses and in the population at large. It is unacceptable that the Jewish community must live in fear for their safety simply because of their heritage.

The death, injury and carnage inflicted on October 7th has devastated families and communities across the Israeli homeland. Early this year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, in part, “I think of the ache and the sense of yearning that will not yield, the feeling that the sun has been extinguished, I think about the heroes that we lost, about broken dreams, shattered hopes.” I have twice sat down with families of hostages to hear their stories, including two who were present during the attack but escaped. I remain so overwhelmed with the courage of a teenager who related her account of that day. She lost family and had family members abducted, yet led her young brother to safety.

The regional effects and aftermath of this awful day continue. Soon after the attack, Israel launched an offensive in Gaza aimed at eliminating Hamas and bringing home hostages. Last Saturday, Israel eliminated Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s brutal terrorist leader. Then, in an unprecedented development, Iran directly launched approximately 180 ballistic missiles at Israel earlier this week. Israel remains at war with forces of evil who will stop at nothing to fulfill their goal to annihilate our trusted ally, the only true democracy in the Middle East.

The massacre of October 7th is a deep stain on humanity, and reminds us why we must continue to stand with Israel as they continue to secure their country and fight for their very existence. As we remember those who were brutally slaughtered on this solemn occasion, I ask that you stand in solidarity with the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. And let us continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Are You Prepared for a Disaster?

September 23, 2024

I write our kids, now all adults, a family letter every few weeks.  I started the practice about 20 years ago. It can be on any topic, often some life lesson I’ve learned or maybe a current event. 

A recent letter began, “I promise I’m not not a prepper but….” For me it was a serious sign-of-the-times Dad letter. So, with this being National Preparedness Month, I wanted to share some of this with you.

I have always advised preparation. A lot of that comes from my years as a police officer and from my time in the Texas State Guard where I encountered some dire situations. Add to that what we all witnessed during winter storm Uri when in just four days of no power over 200 Texans died!

Deployed around the state during Hurricane Harvey and other destructive storms, I have seen first-hand the impact. With little or no warning there’s no food on the grocery store shelves, no electricity or water, wastewater/septic systems are rendered inoperable, even basic medical care is hard to find.  

Today, with our open border we’ve never been at a higher risk of terrorist attack and also the threat of violent criminal gangs. Earlier this year, the FBI Director stated, “I’ve never seen a time where all the threats or so many of the threats are all elevated, all at exactly the same time.”

Again, I’m not apocalyptic but existential threats—any one of which could turn our lives upside down—are as plain as day! Think what it would be like if just your electric power and water stayed down for even a few weeks?

In the letter to my family I outlined some common sense steps they should consider to be ready for a wide range of situations. Your first responsibility, of course, is to protect your family. This involves not only storing up necessities but some teaching and training, too. You’ll want to tailor everything to fit your household but here are a few critical suggestions:

  • First, turn on the location app on each mobile phone. Be able to find each other if someone is missing. 
  • Have a backup location to meet in case of a disaster, be it terrorism, a tornado, or whatever.  
  • Keep a few months of food on hand. Terry buys prepackaged survival food supplies on-line, and these are long lasting. You don’t have to eat well, you just need sustenance. Remember Joesph’s sage counsel to Pharoah? It’s still sound today. “Let them gather all the excess food during these good years that are coming.…”  “Then the country will not be wiped out by the famine.” Genesis 41:35-36
  • Think about the medicines you may need. Many are made in China, India, and other foreign nations and that supply could go away quickly. Store up not only prescriptions but over the counter medications. Be prepared for colds, flus, fevers, cuts and other minor ailments. Fever reducer alone can save a small child’s life.
  • Learn some basic first aid, especially how to use a tourniquet to stop bleeding. Buy some tourniquets. Carry one in your purse, briefcase, backpack and car. You can learn how to use a tourniquet and other first aid techniques easily on-line.
  • Learn and then train your family how to use firearms for self defense. Not just how to fire the gun. Just a few Saturdays of training with a good instructor goes a long way. Terry and I have taken courses together and it was great husband/wife time. 
  • Have your kids take some basic self-defense training. 
  • Teach your family to always be aware of their surroundings, especially if traveling or shopping at night. Look around before exiting the car or walking away from store exits. 
  • Put a loud whistle on your key chain. Terry, until recently, still had my police whistle I gave her when we were dating. She lost it just a few months ago and when she replaced it she bought one for all the girls. Whistles are great for calling for help and can scare off stalkers. 
  • Hand tasers are inexpensive and a great accessory. Just make sure you keep it in its case.  You don’t want a surprise when rummaging in your handbag or backpack. (I’m not a fan of pepper spray.)
  • Try to keep your cars fueled and some extra gasoline at your home. (Don’t store it in the garage because of fire risk. Fumes alone start fires). It’s inexpensive to have a couple extra propane tanks on hand for grill cooking in case the power goes out. Some firewood and a dozen cases of bottled water can go a long way.
  • Think about a small portable generator. You can find some good deals on-line, and these generators can power your fridge, charge your phones and recharge your flashlights. But remember that fuel is the key so no fuel, no generation. We have a home generator with backup propane.
  • Keep some emergency cash on hand. The more the better, but at least $500.00 in small bills. Remember how COVID and Uri closed banks and shut down ATM’s. In a real collapse gold and silver coins may be more marketable than cash, plus these metals can be a good investment regardless.

The key here is plain common sense. You can’t plan for (or pay for) every contingency so stick to the basics. 

Finally, for those of us who follow Christ, we’re not to live in fear as others may do.  Nonetheless, it’s dangerous and irresponsible to be complacent. God gives us wisdom and He expects us to act with prudence. 

Updates as the Election Countdown Begins!

September 10, 2024

Thanks for allowing me to update you on some recent events.   Now that Labor Day is behind us, it’s full steam ahead to the upcoming November 5th Election, including tonight’s high-stakes presidential debate.  The Biden/Harris administration has delivered runaway inflation, allowed millions of illegals to pour across the border and has eroded our standing in the world. I am praying that President Trump will expose Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s full and complicit partner in this shameful record.  

Here are some important dates for you to mark on your calendar:

Removing One Million Voters From the Rolls

At the end of August, Governor Abbott announced that one million people have been removed from the state’s voter rolls since 2021. This includes those that are deceased, have moved out of state, have felony convictions, and noncitizens.

Of the 6,500 possible noncitizens that were removed, about 1,930 had voting history, meaning they were voting illegally in elections. The Secretary of State is providing those names to the Attorney General’s office for possible legal action.

Senate Bill 1, passed in 2021, along with Senate Bill 1113 and House Bill 574, also passed in 2021, aimed to provide harsher penalties for illegal voters, banned distribution of unsolicited mail-in ballot applications, and made it a felony to knowingly count invalid votes, or refusing to count valid ones.  I strongly supported each of these measures.

Investing in Texas Roads

On August 27th, Governor Abbott announced a record $148 billion in total investment for Texas roads and infrastructure. These funds will be used to help improve safety, connectivity, ease congestion, and maintain our roads. With record numbers of people moving to Texas, it’s critical that our transportation system can keep up with the increasing number of drivers.

There are many projects that are currently underway, or will be underway soon, throughout Senate District 10. If you’d like to view current or upcoming projects from TxDOT in your area, click HERE. You’ll be able to search several different ways, including by region or county.

Committee Hearing on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Senate Business and Commerce Committee, on which I serve, recently held a hearing on how to regulate the exploding area of artificial intelligence (AI) in the state’s agencies. It’s become evident that laws are needed to control many aspects of this fast-growing sector. While AI has been reported to save time and money in the workplace, it also comes with increased risk of the spread of false information, biased decision making, and violations of privacy.   If you want to learn more on this topic and the issues facing the Texas Legislature concerning AI, watch the hearing by CLICKING HERE.

Texas Right to Life Dinner and Fundraiser

Vince & Mona Puente hosted the Texas Right to Life Dinner & Fundraiser in their Tarrant County home on Saturday evening, August 17th. There was great turnout with many elected officials and candidates in attendance. Vince gave the welcome and recognized the sponsors, including Terry and me. Dr. John Saego, President of the Right to Life organization, gave a powerful speech. It was a great event!

Dr. John Saego, Texas Right to Life President, speaking to attendees at the fundraiser in Tarrant County

Me with Andy Nguyen (Chief of Staff, Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare) and
Pastor Lance Perkins

Mamie Johnson (President-Fort Worth Republican Women) Terry King, Julie Vu (Andy Nguyen’s wife), and Shanda Perkins representing our campaign.

Thank you again for allowing me to serve you in the Texas Senate.   I hope to see you on the campaign trail over the next two months. 

Dems Pro-Abortion Worship vs Texas’ Culture of Life; Blocking the Biden/Harris Woke Agenda; Unclaimed Funds Waiting for You? And More!

August 24, 2024

Thanks for taking time to hear my thoughts on important issues and allowing me to update you on some recent news. Top of mind for me is the deeply concerning messages coming from Democrats this week at their national convention, underscoring the high stakes in the November election.

Texas Promotes a Culture of Life, While Democrats Worship at the Pro-Abortion Alter in Chicago
President Bill Clinton once said that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.” Joe Biden, after being elected to the Senate, stated after the original 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, “I don’t like the Supreme Court decision on abortion. I think it went too far. I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body.” Four years later, Biden voted for the Hyde amendment which banned federal funding of abortion. 

How things have changed. Sadly, today’s national Democrats have completely aligned with the most extreme, barbaric pro-abortion practices and we shockingly saw that on full display this week at the Democrat National Convention. Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America, stationed a mobile facility near the convention, where they provided actual abortions (yes, you read that right). Protestors marched dressed up as abortion pills. It seems that no longer is the Democrat battle cry simply to protect and preserve abortion, but to brazenly promote and celebrate the taking of the most innocent life imaginable – an unborn child. Quite honestly, this breaks my heart and I pray for the future of our country.

Conversely, under Republican leadership, Texas has taken a different approach, one that values and encourages life. Along with protecting unborn children, we have worked to provide solutions to mothers facing unplanned pregnancies. For example, Texas was the first state to pass the Baby Moses Law which provides an avenue for women in crisis to give up their babies without fear of prosecution. Mothers can take their babies (if healthy and under 60 days old) to certain fire stations, hospitals and urgent care centers that have EMTs on site around the clock, with no questions asked. In 2005, Texas launched the Alternatives to Abortion Program, allocating state funding to non-profit agencies that provide pregnant women life-affirming alternatives to abortion, such as pregnancy help centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies.  I am proud to have worked to provide full support to moms who, for whatever reason, feel they cannot parent their child but wish to choose life. 

I am incredibly proud that Texas has promoted a culture of life, and that includes supporting women who find themselves in crisis after an unplanned pregnancy. Every unborn baby is worth protecting!

Tarrant County Federal Judge Upholds Texas Common Sense Laws, Blocks Biden/Harris Gender Identity Mandate in Title IX Laws
Back in the 1970s, Congress passed amendments to Title IX’s sex discrimination provisions with a goal to provide girls and women equal access to education and sports programs. These provisions have been on the books for over 50 years and have helped expand scholarship opportunities for women in collegiate sports. Unfortunately, on April 19th, the Biden/Harris Department of Education issued new regulations to prohibit discrimination based on a person’s “gender identity.” Since institutions who don’t comply with Title IX risk losing federal funding, this is another example of the federal government holding funding hostage to promote a woke, liberal agenda. This social experimentation undermines fairness in women’s sports, and increases risks to safety by potentially forcing men and women to share facilities. These new rules, which affect K-12 schools, colleges and universities, were scheduled to go into effect on August 1st. Thankfully, implementation of the Biden/Harris overreach has been blocked in Texas.  Federal Judge Reed O’Connor ruled on August 5th, stating in his opinion:

“To allow Defendants’ unlawful action to stand would be to functionally rewrite Title IX in a way that shockingly transforms American education and usurps a major question from Congress. That is not how our democratic system functions,” adding that, “the Department lacks authority to redefine sex in a way that conflicts with Title IX.” Approximately 26 other states have also successfully fought this unlawful and wrongheaded mandate from being forced upon their citizens. 

Is Unclaimed Money Waiting for You?

More than $4 billion in unclaimed funds are sitting in the state treasury waiting on Texans to claim what is rightfully theirs. This could include utility deposits or other refunds, insurance proceeds, payroll checks, cashier’s checks, dividends, mineral royalties, dormant bank accounts and abandoned safe-deposit box contents. It only takes a few minutes for a quick search, and who knows – you may have something long forgotten coming your way. Do a search at

If you find money that is yours, the claim process is handled online.  This FAQ link will provide you with answers to most of your questions about this program, which is administered by the Texas Comptrollers Office: Happy Hunting!

Out and Around the District: Tarrant County Republican Assembly, Arlington Republican Club, North Side Baptist
Summer is wrapping up and fall is approaching, and that means the various clubs and organizations are resuming their meetings. This past week, I had the opportunity to speak to the Tarrant County Republican Assembly on Tuesday night. Earlier that day, I spoke to a large group of engaged seniors at North Side Baptist Church in Weatherford, and Thursday evening took me to the Arlington Republican Club, who generously presented us with a $2000 campaign contribution.

On Thursday, August 15th, I participated in a legislative panel hosted by the Texas Tribune at Tarrant County College’s Trinity River campus with State Representatives Nicole Collier and Salman Bhojani. We discussed a wide range of topics, including the current budget surplus and my support for further property tax cuts to ensure more homeownership opportunities and provide tax relief. During the discussion, I was challenged on my support for ending DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) policies in higher education. I emphatically stated my belief that any time that government or individuals judge people by their group – which is what DEI policies do – it is a fundamentally dangerous approach.Last session, Texas banned DEI programs at our state’s colleges and universities, and it was the right thing to do.

I appreciated the chance to speak to the Tarrant County Republican Assembly.

I was honored to join the Texas Electricity Panel at the Texas Association of Manufacturers annual meeting. We discussed the need to ensure reliable power as the Texas economy continues to grow.

In Closing

I enjoy getting out and connecting with grass roots Republicans and community organizations. In the coming weeks, I’ll have more appearances in Brown, Johnson, Tarrant, Parker and Palo Pinto counties. If you have an event you’d like me to consider attending, please email [email protected]. Finally, if you have a friend who might enjoy receiving these updates, please forward this email and encourage them to sign up for our updates at

Watch Tonight: Did God Spare Trump?  Plus Earl King Award, UTA West, Another Corporate Relocation

August 13, 2024

Butler, PA:  Did God Spare Trump – or Simply a Coincidence?

Tonight at 7PM, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick will join Matt Crouch, President and Chairman of Trinity Broadcasting Network, Dr. Phil, a pastor and a news anchor to discuss whether God spared the life of the president or if the incident in Butler, PA was simply a random act of luck.  I’m told the discussion also touches upon what the Bible says about God choosing our leaders and being involved in elections.  This should be an interesting discussion, and I encourage you to tune in tonight.  Let me know your thoughts if you do!

Rev. Curtis Jefferson Honored with Earl King Award

Last week, I was honored to join the Christian Mens Fellowship (CMF) of Parker County as Rev. Curtis Jefferson was announced as the Earl King Award at CMF’s monthly meeting Monday. Jefferson is the founding pastor of New Hope Baptist Church, which he led for 35 years until his retirement in 2022. 

The Earl King Award is named for CMF’s founder, my dad, who passed away in December of 2020.  The award honors a Parker County man for exhibiting Christian leadership over a significant length of time. Rev. Jefferson is the second recipient of the Earl King Award.

CMF President Lin Bearden said, “Earl’s vision when he started CMF many years ago was that it would be a local group of men in business whose sole purpose was to encourage each other to spiritually lead their families, share the Gospel, and make our community a loving, caring place.  Curtis certainly exemplifies that ideal through his testimony in Weatherford and in the workplace.” 

Rev. Jefferson was a bi-vocational pastor, working two full-time jobs until he retired from Chevron Pipeline in 2007. He has also preached at several other churches in Parker County and preached at The Potter’s House in Dallas, home of Pastor T.D. Jakes. He has been very involved in the community, serving on the boards of the Parker Baptist Association, the Weatherford College Foundation and Center of Hope, as well as coaching youth and little league football and basketball as well as a women’s softball team. Rev. Jefferson was not able to attend Monday’s meeting, so his son, Doug Jefferson, accepted the award on his behalf. 

I was honored to present the Earl King Award to Rev. Curtis Jefferson’s son Doug, who accepted the award on behalf of his father.

UTA Will Build New Campus, UTA West, on the Parker/Tarrant County Line

In an exciting development for Senate District 10, the University of Texas at Arlington has announced plans to build a new campus west of Fort Worth, on the Parker/Tarrant County line. The campus, to be named UTA West, is set to open in 2028 on 51 acres of land where Interstates 20 and 30 merge near Aledo in Parker County. Once completed, the campus could accommodate 10,000 students.

UTA is the second-largest university in the UT System, with enrollment of over 41,000 students. From 2010 to 2020, enrollment grew by 29%. Over the next ten years, enrollment is predicted to grow another 19%, which does not include the new campus. The new UTA West campus will serve to educate students for careers in aerospace, defense, IT, AI, and manufacturing.

For more information visit

UTA West, located on the Parker/Tarrant county line, will be located on a 51-acre tract featuring rolling hills and a lake.  UTA expects the first building to open in 2028.

More Proof that The Texas Economy Works:  Chevron Leaving California for Texas

Chevron has announced they will move out of California and relocate to Texas over the next five years, marking the first time Chevron will be headquartered outside of California since its inception over 100 years ago. This latest move adds to a growing list of other companies that have left California in recent years. Recent relocations to Texas include Tesla, X (formerly known as Twitter), SpaceX, Oracle, McKesson, AECOM, CBRE, and Charles Schwab. Texas is now home to more than 50 Fortune 500 companies.

According to the Texas Association of Business, from 2010 to 2019, more than 25,000 businesses and 281,000 jobs relocated to Texas, with more than 44,000, or about 16% of those jobs coming from California.

This latest move by Chevron proves that our state’s economic model of low taxes and business-friendly regulations continues to thrive.  In fact, Texas now boasts the eighth largest economy in the world.

CenterPoint Deceived Me, the Texas Legislature, and the Public

August 8, 2024

Senator Phil King Sets Record Straight on CenterPoint Debacle; Calls for Financial Transparency, Accountability to Ratepayers

In light of recent news reports which I believe to be misleading and inaccurate, I would like to set the record straight on the facts regarding my position on CenterPoint’s abuse of a very well intentioned, simple and practical new law intended to ease the suffering of Texans in the aftermath of storms and other emergencies.   

Almost 18 months ago, I took the word of senior CenterPoint executives when they asked me to sign a letter in support of their reportedly $200 million investment in what they represented to be mobile generators. I had seen how successful these mobile deployments were in my area of North Texas and was assured that CenterPoint had similarly deployed their units in its service area. I have since learned this was not the case. I am extremely upset to learn that CenterPoint clearly ignored the legislative intent envisioned when we unanimously passed the bill to improve public safety and minimize power outages in the aftermath of a storm or other emergency. Had I known then that I had been deceived I would never have signed that letter.

In retrospect, it is clear that CenterPoint was angling for profits, and it is past time for the company to provide full accountability and transparency concerning the generators it leased. I call on CenterPoint to immediately respond to all relevant information that has been requested by myself, other legislators and the Public Utility Commission (PUC).  

Furthermore, CenterPoint must find a way to terminate its lease of its costly stationary generators that were useless following Hurricane Beryl. All costs associated with the leases must be absorbed by CenterPoint and not passed on to its customers. 

Finally, there have been many other serious allegations with respect to how CenterPoint negotiated and secured the leasing contracts. These allegations must be officially investigated.  On my end, I intend to file legislation to ensure that the Legislature’s intent with regard to life saving mobile generation is strictly followed.

Background and Details 

In February 2021, more than 246 people died in Texas as a result of Winter Storm Uri and the extended power outages. In the aftermath, we spent countless hours discussing what needed to be done to ensure this never happens again. I personally asked senior executives of CenterPoint and other electric utilities a very simple question: “What other tools could you have used to relieve the suffering of Texans?” Their answer was mobile generation units that could be moved around on trucks and deployed quickly where most needed. Utilities could then generate temporary power to critical infrastructure (hospitals, police stations, grocery stores, water pumps, and warming centers) or hook up to a substation to help minimize extended power outages at homes. 

When we learned this was not allowed under current law, my colleagues and I unanimously supported legislation to allow this. It was clearly a commonsense, practical solution to help prevent fatalities and ease the suffering of customers following a storm or other emergency. In promoting this legislation, I continually and consistently repeated that temporary emergency generators were to be mobile and available for rapid deployment. In the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, the facts demonstrate that CenterPoint clearly failed in this mission: 

  • During the recovery from Beryl, I called CenterPoint to see how its mobile generation was being deployed. I was mystified when told that nearly all its fleet was stationary by design and not available to be deployed.
  • We now know that CenterPoint was forced to borrow mobile generation units from Oncor and AEP Texas, utilities which had followed the intent of the new law. In fact, Oncor has secured mobile generation units for less than $5 million, even though they have a much larger service area than CenterPoint.
  • I learned at our recent Senate hearing that the cost of CenterPoint’s lease totals at least $800 million, not the $200 million expressed during the rate recovery process 18 months ago when I signed that letter of support. Notably, this cost is not publicly documented because legislators still haven’t been given access to the contract(s) which CenterPoint requested to be sealed at the PUC. However, this figure was not denied by CenterPoint CEO Jason Wells when questioned by me at the Senate hearing.
  • When I questioned CenterPoint’s CEO on how much of the $800 million was used for mobile generation, to my great surprise he testified that only $500,000 – less than one percent – was used for mobile units that can be rapidly deployed.  
  • It is clear that CenterPoint strongly deviated from legislative intent and made a very poor business decision in leasing these large stationary units that are basically useless when they are needed most, as we witnessed last month.
  • Nonetheless, for years now, CenterPoint has been producing documents for the Legislature showing images of mobile generation on wheels, not stationary generation, clearly engaging in deceptive and misleading tactics.
  • We also now know the bidding process was exceptionally questionable, including very serious allegations of an inappropriate relationship with a former CenterPoint executive and an executive of the leasing company. These allegations must be thoroughly investigated.  

Statements have been made that the law allowing mobile generation is too broad and vague, but in fact we provided for checks and balances. For any costs to be recovered, a utility must prove, in a transparent process with the public’s input before the PUC, that the lease and the use of assets are reasonable and necessary. This is a high standard with the ultimate decision made by the PUC, the agency entrusted with oversight of how this legislation is implemented. Looking back through CenterPoint’s cost recovery application, there were over 400 filings, thousands of pages of documents, with multiple intervenors. 

It is also concerning that the Office of Public Utility Counsel, the State agency charged with representing residential and small consumers, did not even bother to intervene in this proceeding. Nonetheless, CenterPoint’s lease and excessive expenditures were ultimately approved by the PUC. Additionally, I was disappointed to learn just today that after more than two and a half years since opening its docket on rulemaking for mobile generation, the PUC has still not finalized its rules concerning mobile generation. This is a critical part of the PUC’s oversight responsibility. 

In an August 2, 2024 letter, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick urged the PUC to immediately utilize any and all authority to reconsider CenterPoint’s previously approved rate recovery and that they be disallowed from using ratepayer dollars to pay for these exorbitant leases. I fully concur with this request.